Trunk or Treat
Trunk or Treat will be Sunday, October 27, from 4-5:30 pm. Children are invited to come to the ECC parking lot in their Halloween costumes, and instead of going door to door for candy, they will go trunk to trunk. We’ll also have a few fall festival games to enjoy! Want to make this event awesome? We are looking for folks to host a trunk and donate goodies! Here is our sign-up link to host a trunk and a link to our Amazon wish list!
Contact rachel@westmarketchurch.org with any questions.

Organist Nathanial GuMBs in Concert - 25th Anniversary of the Dobson-Rosales Organ
Renowned concert organist Nathaniel Gumbs will play the 25th Anniversary Concert of the world-class Dobson-Rosales pipe organ at West Market Street UMC. With an ever-growing fan base and performances described as “mature, lyrical, accurate, and energetic,” Dr. Gumbs currently serves as the Director of Chapel Music at Yale University and performs throughout the US and abroad. Join us for this special evening of music as the organ is showcased in all of its glory.
Free admission, but donations to the West Market Street UMC Music Fund in honor of the 25th Anniversary are welcome.
Parking is available on the street and in the Commerce Place lot behind the church.

Youth Lock In
Middle and High School youth are invited to a lock-in on Saturday, October 12 - Sunday, October 13. Drop off is at 6pm on Saturday and pick up is on Sunday at 11am. Join us for a fun-filled night of games, arts & crafts, a movie, and fellowship in The LOFT.
Contact paul@westmarketchurch.org to register.

44th Annual Crop Walk
Join us for the Greensboro Crop Walk off on 10/06 at 1:30pm with the walk starting at 2:30pm. The WMSUMC Team’s registration is now OPEN! You can register with our team by clicking this link and following the instructions to register with our existing team: West Market St UMC.
For questions, please contact: Paul@westmarketchurch.org

Summer Chancel Choir
Lift up your voice in the Summer Chancel Choir! Learn an easy anthem in rehearsal at 10:30am in the Sanctuary and then sing the service. No robes are worn and we will provide you with music and a hymnal. It's a lot of fun and a very easy way to share your gifts and meet other music-lovers. Let's fill the choir loft every Sunday!
Sundays June 30-August 25, 2024

Summer Chancel Choir
Lift up your voice in the Summer Chancel Choir! Learn an easy anthem in rehearsal at 10:30am in the Sanctuary and then sing the service. No robes are worn and we will provide you with music and a hymnal. It's a lot of fun and a very easy way to share your gifts and meet other music-lovers. Let's fill the choir loft every Sunday!
Sundays June 30-August 25, 2024

Arias, Art Songs, and More!
Join us for an enchanting evening of vocal music, featuring a wide variety of favorites, such as the “Flower Duet” from Lakmé by Delibes, Donizetti’s “Una furtiva lagrima,” “Evening Prayer” from Hansel and Gretel by Humperdinck, and much more!
Presented by soprano Alexia Della Valle, mezzo-soprano Peyton Wheeler, tenor D’André Wright, and baritone Wilson Mericle.
Free admission, but please bring one back-to-school item for local elementary schools.
Parking is available on the street and in the Commerce Place lot behind the church.

Summer Chancel Choir
Lift up your voice in the Summer Chancel Choir! Learn an easy anthem in rehearsal at 10:30am in the Sanctuary and then sing the service. No robes are worn and we will provide you with music and a hymnal. It's a lot of fun and a very easy way to share your gifts and meet other music-lovers. Let's fill the choir loft every Sunday!
Sundays June 30-August 25, 2024

Hot Dish & Hope
Join us at Frist Presbyterian Church on N. Elm Street for Hot Dish and Hope on Thursday, August 8th at 4:00PM! Please contact Paster Jeremy Benton with questions: jeremy@westmarketchurch.org.

National Night Out Event - Voter Registration!
Several of us have been participating in voter-related justice through working with the Black and Brown Women’s Voting Initiative. Through that initiative, we have discovered that the area around Bethel AME Church has lower voter turnout. On Tuesday, August 6th from 5-8pm, we are partnering with Bethel AME and the Episcopal Church of the Redeemer to shift that trend, beginning with a voter registration booth at the National Night Out Event. We will meet at Bethel and Church of the Redeemer, which are located next to each other at 200 N Reagan Street & 901 East Friendly. We invite you to come and support and bring cool treats to share—Italian water ice, ice cream popsicles, any frozen! Contact Pastor Otto Harris with questions or to RSVP.

Youth at Celebration Station
Meet in the bus lot (Friendly Avenue), and we'll travel together for lunch and an afternoon of fun and games at Celebration Station (4315 Big Tree Way, Greensboro, NC 27409)! Bring money for food and games. Contact Paul Collins at paul@westmarketchurch.org for more information.

Summer Chancel Choir
Lift up your voice in the Summer Chancel Choir! Learn an easy anthem in rehearsal at 10:30am in the Sanctuary and then sing the service. No robes are worn and we will provide you with music and a hymnal. It's a lot of fun and a very easy way to share your gifts and meet other music-lovers. Let's fill the choir loft every Sunday!
Sundays June 30-August 25, 2024

Youth Summer Mission Trip Forum
Come hear our youth missioners tell the story of their recent mission trip to Tennessee to serve with the Appalachia Service Project (ASP) in The LOFT (4th Floor) on Sunday, August 4th at 10:00AM!

Summer Chancel Choir
Lift up your voice in the Summer Chancel Choir! Learn an easy anthem in rehearsal at 10:30am in the Sanctuary and then sing the service. No robes are worn and we will provide you with music and a hymnal. It's a lot of fun and a very easy way to share your gifts and meet other music-lovers. Let's fill the choir loft every Sunday!
Sundays June 30-August 25, 2024

Summer Chancel Choir
Lift up your voice in the Summer Chancel Choir! Learn an easy anthem in rehearsal at 10:30am in the Sanctuary and then sing the service. No robes are worn and we will provide you with music and a hymnal. It's a lot of fun and a very easy way to share your gifts and meet other music-lovers. Let's fill the choir loft every Sunday!
Sundays June 30-August 25, 2024

Discover Your Spiritual Gifts: WeeK Four
This special 4-week Summer Faith & Formation study will be held on Sundays at 10 am, 6/30, 7/7, 7/14, and 7/21. We will use For the Common Good by Dr. Christine Harman from the North Carolina Conference. The sessions will be facilitated by Pastor Otto and our Nominations and Leadership Team. Room TBD. Contact Pastor Otto with questions!

Organ + Percussion Concert
Featuring the wild Lou Harrison "Concerto for Organ and Percussion Orchestra," Emma Lou Diemer's "Psalms for Organ and Percussion," George Baker's "Rumba: for Organ, Percussion, and Dancers," and more! Presented by organists Dreama Lovitt, Sarah Kennedy, and the UNCSA's Organ Professor Dr. Timothy Olsen; a team of eight percussionists headed by NC A&T Percussion Professor Michael Lasley and UNCG Doctoral Candidate Jou Turner; and with conductor Michael Dodds.
Free admission, but please bring one nonperishable food item for the UNCG or NCA&T Student Food Pantries.
Parking is available on the street and in the Commerce Place lot behind the church.

Summer Chancel Choir
Lift up your voice in the Summer Chancel Choir! Learn an easy anthem in rehearsal at 10:30am in the Sanctuary and then sing the service. No robes are worn and we will provide you with music and a hymnal. It's a lot of fun and a very easy way to share your gifts and meet other music-lovers. Let's fill the choir loft every Sunday!
Sundays June 30-August 25, 2024

Discover Your Spiritual Gifts: WeeK Three
This special 4-week Summer Faith & Formation study will be held on Sundays at 10 am, 6/30, 7/7, 7/14, and 7/21. We will use For the Common Good by Dr. Christine Harman from the North Carolina Conference. The sessions will be facilitated by Pastor Otto and our Nominations and Leadership Team. Room TBD. Contact Pastor Otto with questions!

Summer Chancel Choir
Lift up your voice in the Summer Chancel Choir! Learn an easy anthem in rehearsal at 10:30am in the Sanctuary and then sing the service. No robes are worn and we will provide you with music and a hymnal. It's a lot of fun and a very easy way to share your gifts and meet other music-lovers. Let's fill the choir loft every Sunday!
Sundays June 30-August 25, 2024

Discover Your Spiritual Gifts: WeeK Two
This special 4-week Summer Faith & Formation study will be held on Sundays at 10 am, 6/30, 7/7, 7/14, and 7/21. We will use For the Common Good by Dr. Christine Harman from the North Carolina Conference. The sessions will be facilitated by Pastor Otto and our Nominations and Leadership Team. Room TBD. Contact Pastor Otto with questions!

Fourth of July Celebration
Join us for ice cream and fireworks! We will gather on the roof at 8:30pm. Please enter through the Chapel Entrance of John Wesley Way. The fireworks are anticipated at 9:30pm.

Summer Chancel Choir
Lift up your voice in the Summer Chancel Choir! Learn an easy anthem in rehearsal at 10:30am in the Sanctuary and then sing the service. No robes are worn and we will provide you with music and a hymnal. It's a lot of fun and a very easy way to share your gifts and meet other music-lovers. Let's fill the choir loft every Sunday!
Sundays June 30-August 25, 2024

Discover Your Spiritual Gifts: WeeK One
This special 4-week Summer Faith & Formation study will be held on Sundays at 10 am, 6/30, 7/7, 7/14, and 7/21. We will use For the Common Good by Dr. Christine Harman from the North Carolina Conference. The sessions will be facilitated by Pastor Otto and our Nominations and Leadership Team. Room TBD. Contact Pastor Otto with questions!

Vacation Bible School
All children aged 3 (potty-trained) through rising 6th grade are invited to participate! This year we'll be exploring God's Good Green Earth through life-giving Bible stories, upbeat music, earth-friendly crafts, fun games, yummy snacks, and hands-on service as we learn about God's good creation, how we are called to take care of it, and how God takes care of us. Please note: for working families who need an additional hour of care, an add-on lunch hour (bring your own) until 1:00pm will be an available option upon sign-up. Also, VBS isn’t possible without our wonderful volunteers! If you’re able to help one or more days, please sign-up here!

Summer Go SERVE
Start off the summer with a local mission experience for rising 3rd-5th graders and rising 6th-12th graders! Each day we’ll have field trips to local service organizations as we seek to be a part of God’s work in the world. There is no cost. Registration is LIMITED to the first 25 participants.

Children’s Ministries Summer Faith & Fun
Spend time with God & friends through games (learn while having fun), interactive prayer practices (grow in our friendship with God), Bible stories (told by extra special guest storytellers from our congregation), and a bit of play in our Treehouse (restore our bodies and spirits). Come and go as your travels allow this summer! Parents are welcome to attend with their child or may attend one of the adult studies. The fun begins for PreK-5th grades on Sundays in the Children’s Library (Room 307) on June 9th at 10am! The Nursery is also available for our littlest friends in Room 224.

Youth Spring Retreat at Lake Junaluska
Come away to the mountains for rest, relaxation, and reflection with friends. This weekend promises to be fun-filled and the perfect way to close the school year. For more information about Lake Junaluska: https://lakejunaluska.com/ Register HERE: https://forms.gle/noPiV4E4CnU78Ze17

Playground Meetup for Children & Families
Join us in Lindley Park at 4:30pm on May 19. Come play, enjoy a bit of fellowship, and do faith together with us! A light picnic supper will be provided. Please bring a picnic blanket and drinks for your family.

Greensboro Affordable Housing Invitation
The City of Greensboro has invited West Market Street UMC alongside other faith communities for a continuing conversation about affordable housing. We will gather on Tuesday, May 14th from 5:30pm – 7:30pm at the First Bank Annex Building. I hope you’ll consider attending. Please RSVP to Pastor Jeremy no later than May 9th.