april is earth month

Written by Ellen Van Velsor > April 10, 2022
In addition to celebrating all that the Easter season means to each of us, West Market UMC is celebrating Creation during this April “Earth Month” in three ways!

  1. Shred-A-Thon Completed on Saturday, April 9th
    Our first Shred-A-Thon since pre-pandemic times was a great success!  We shredded over 9,000 pounds of paper and collected over $2,000 for our missions. And we had a wonderful time greeting all who brought us their papers to shred and feel blessed by all who participated.  

    You may not know that if you shred your paper at home, it is not accepted for recycling, but the shredding companies have special permission to recycle what they bring, since it is in bulk and compressed.  So this is a great way to dispose of your papers (confidential or not) and help our environment!

  2. New Creation Care Book Display Created in Church Library
    Peggy Joyner has done a great job reviewing C4C resources we have in our library, purchasing some new ones, and creating a display for the month of April, featuring books for both adults and children! Stop by and check out a book for yourself or for your kids to learn more about creation care theology, climate science, and what you can do in your families to protect God’s Creation, our environment. There is something for everyone!

  3. Earth Sabbath Service - Sunday, April 24th
    Plan to join one of the Earth Sabbath services, either 9AM or 11AM, on the Sunday after Easter when we will be celebrating the Earth and all God has created! Spring is a wonderful time to get in the spirit of care for the Earth, to be thankful for all we are blessed with and to reflect on what we can do as guardians of all we have been given. The Care for Creation team looks forward to seeing and greeting you there!


Where Are the Easter Lillies?


Welcome to c4c